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What lurks in Your Carpets?

What lurks in your carpets?

What lurks in your carpets – Your house has carpet. Any clue what’s inside? Not everyone knows, or cares to know. But when it comes to carpeting, ignorance is not bliss.

You should know what lurks in your carpets

It is possible that you are placing yourself and your family, as well as any visitors who may come over for a visit, in danger by not knowing what lurks in your carpets. This is due to the fact that the older your carpets are, the more probable it is that they contain a variety of foreign pollutants. They may include the following:

Allergens – This is one of the most typical carpeting traps. Pollen is one of the most common allergens, creating a lot of annoyance and concern for allergy sufferers, particularly in the spring.

Bacteria – Bacteria are everywhere. In your bathroom, bedroom, and pretty much wherever else you go you’ll find it there. Your carpets have it too. Inhalation becomes easier as you tread on the carpet.

Viruses – It’s possible you avoided a bad cold or flu. That doesn’t mean you’re safe because Some viruses may live for a long time on your carpets.

Mites – Small microscopic insects, sometimes referred to as mites, may also be found hiding in your carpets and cause damage. It’s hardly likely that you’d want your youngster to fall asleep on those carpets, is it?

What can be done about this?

The best option is to employ a professional carpet cleaner to completely clean your carpets. They can penetrate deep into the carpet pile, all the way down to the foam beneath padding, and remove the great majority of all those hidden items that might be hurting your family’s and your personal health.

What lurks in your carpets... The solution

A variety of treatments are available to address any and all of the issues listed above. 99% of germs and bacteria can be irradiated by our skilled carpet cleaning. We have a special treatment for mites. Our mite treatment last up to 48 months so less treatments are needed.

Get in touch with us

Because our team are available 7 days a week you can contact us any day for bookings or advise. Call us on 01933 213733 / 07584291911, send a message to our Facebook page or request a quote via our website.